"My rule was I wouldn't recruit a kid if he had grass in front of his house.
That's not my world. My world was a cracked sidewalk." —Al McGuire

Friday, June 01, 2007

Dominic James bounces back

Dominic James turned things around a bit last night at the NBA pre-draft camp. His performance was an improvement over Wednesday's effort, but in the eyes of draftexpress it's still not enough to warrant staying in the draft:

Although he certainly played a lot better than yesterday, Dominic James’ second day performance definitely left a lot to be desired for a player who seems to be adamant about keeping his name in the draft. He overdribbled badly on numerous possessions, driving into brick walls with his head down and showing an inability to read defenses and react based off what was thrown at him.......At this point, there is a legit possibility that James doesn’t even get drafted.
Hoopsworld.com begs to differ - -naming James as one of the ten players from the Orlando pre-draft camp who will be selected in the upcoming draft:
He's an amazing athlete, the best at the point guard position in Orlando. In fact, he told me on Wednesday his vertical leap has been measured at over 40 inches on more than one occasion. He's not 100% NBA ready right now, but he's the type of athlete who draws the attention of scouts. Remember how the stock of Gulliermo Diaz -- draft by the Clippers in 2006-- rose last season because of his athleticism? Expect the same thing to happen with James.
CSTV spends time evaluating draft options for James and Ramon Sessions against the backdrop of a weak PG class in the draft:
(James is) using this camp as a barometer to see if he's better off heading to the pros now.

"Most definitely, just from the feedback I'm gonna be getting back from my coaches and the people I have within my circle," James said. "They're talking to the decision makers in the league and just getting a report back from things I need to get better at. It's a win-win situation for me. I feel like if I go back to college, I'm gonna be a lot better player. And most definitely if I make it to the NBA, it'll be a dream come true."

Here's a thread from MarquetteHoops that chronicled DJs' performance in the late game on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen him play, but how is his defense? He could catch onto a team that way too.

Anonymous said...

Just what DJ needs, some ambiguity in his possibilities. Not sure how a 2-6 FT and 4 points in two days amounts to "bouncing back" .. hopefully he'll learn what he needs to work on and fly back to Milwaukee.

He can play with Novak and Diener, who are in town schooling the younguns.

Anonymous said...

Returning to MU is going to be one big pill for DJ to swallow for various reasons. I can't help but think back to DJ's being booed by the students after a missed free throw early in the season. I still have a hard time believing this happened.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how the tone of DJ's comments can change when Gery Woelfel is not interpreting them.

While I'm a big fan of Draft Express and the hard work they put in, they really need a better Marquette source than Mr. Woelfel.

Anonymous said...

Dominic James, I am begging you. If you have not already, go back to college. You are way too talented to be taking this abuse. James, McNeal, and Matthews can be the big three for college basketball. Then, after your Senior year go to the draft. You will be 110% better, trust me.You are a great player just get your head on straight and practice hard don't be arrogant, as some have called you, but walk with humility .Don't take this as a set back, but take this as a learning experience and practice for the next season and the next time you enter the draft. The road to success takes a lot of off season practice and hard work. Your work ethic must improve if you want to play on the next level. It is going to take studying Steve Nash, Tony Parker, Jason Kidd, T.J. Ford, and even New Jersey's Marcus Williams. When people talk about Tiny Archibald or Earl the Pearl Monroe listen up and take notes. You must get mentally tuff and make up in your mind that you are going to score when its needed. Don't just watch an NBA game , study it. Look at the spacing and the way good point guards breakdown defenses . Also look for new ways to get your shot off. You know what you have to work, on so work on it so that I can see you in the NBA one day and say "he's a hard worker" . Don't ever slack off in practice. Hustle on every level is rewarded and can compensate for your weaknesses. I am looking forward to seeing you in the MU gold and blue! Remember what one former MU player turn Finals MVP says, "hard work pays off." Get connected with JESUS. Accept HIM a just see where HE will take you. Dedicate your life to HIM today . Let HIM cleanse you from everything you have done wrong. I did and I will never be the same! "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." 1 John 5:4."For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believeth in HIM should no perish but have everlasting life ! " John 3:16